Supported Languages

Currently, the SO API only supports English requests and responses.

SO API Versions

To provide developers with the best and most reliable experience the SO API will continually improve, fix bugs, and add functionality. To achieve this in an orderly and predictable way the API follows semantic versioning. At the same time, this ensures that developers have stable versions to work with and can make decisions on when to integrate changes.

Semantic Versioning

SO API uses semantic versioning to increment our API versions. This is an organized and standard way of communicating general information about the changes.

Semantic versions are broken down into three sections: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

Any changes to the MINOR and PATCH version numbers are backwards compatible within the same MAJOR version. For example, if you are currently developing with version 1.1.2 and version 1.2.0 is released you could update your code to 1.2.0 without breaking existing applications. Changes made to the MAJOR version number are not backwards compatible and could break existing applications. If you are changing to a new MAJOR version you should ensure no errors are introduced into your application.

More information can be found here

Documentation for versions

New documentation will be created for each version. This ensures that developers will have relevant and accurate documentation to work from. Each documentation version will also include release notes highlighting the changes included in that version.

The documentation page will always display the most recent versions documentation. There are a few ways to view older versions documentation and release notes. The versions page will display links to each versions documentation and release notes. You can reach this page by following this link or clicking the version number displayed on the top of the page. You can also navigate to your versions documentation by adding your version number to the documentation URL.{VERSION}

Currently Available versions

Currently available versions can be found here.