HTTP Status Codes

The API will use a number of common HTTP Status Codes to categorize responses to requests. Every response will include an HTTP Status Code, in some cases additional details may be included in the response body.

The request was successful

200 - Ok

The HTTP Status Code 200 is used if the request is successfully processed. Additional data may be present in the response body.

201 - Created

The HTTP Status Code 201 is returned when a POST request is successfully completed.

204 - No Content

The HTTP Status Code 204 is returned when a GET request is successfully processed and there is no additional data with the response. Generally, this means that there were no errors but there is no data to return.

There was an error processing the request

400 Bad Request

The HTTP Status Code 400 is returned when a request cannot be completed because it is incomplete or could not be understood. This request should be modified before additional requests are sent. Further information will be provided in the response body, an example can be seen below.

    "status": "400",
    "message": "Bad Request",
    "body": {
        "text": "Unknown field submitted",
        "fields": {
            "9": "this_should_fail"

Example 400 Bad Request Response In the example above the response includes the reason, an unknown field has been submitted, and field name of the unknown field.

401 - Unauthorized

The HTTP Status Code 401 is sent when authorization fails. This request is sent if your Store ID and API Key do not match or the Store ID and/or API Key do not exist.

402 - Payment Required

The HTTP Status Code 402 is returned if your account is not in good standing and has been disabled.

404 - Not Found

The HTTP Status Code 404 is returned if a request URL cannot be found.

406 - Not Acceptable

The HTTP Status Code 406 is returned if the Accept header is not set to application/json. The only supported response type is JSON.

412 - Precondition Failed

The HTTP Status Code 412 is returned when a required Header is missing or the information is empty. This response may also be returned if a request cannot be completed because a required item or required information is missing.

422 - Unprocessable Entity

The HTTP Status Code 422 is returned when an item cannot be processed. This code is used when there are no errors in the request, but the processing of the request has failed.

429 - Too many Requests

The HTTP Status Code 429 is returned when you have reached the rate limit for requests.

The server encountered an error

500 - Internal Server Error

The HTTP Status Code 500 is returned if the server has encountered an error that prevents it from completing the request.

503 - Service Unavailable

The HTTP Status Code 503 is returned if the API server is currently unavailable or down for maintenance.